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Will Anyone See My Chin Lipo Scar?

Worried about having a chin lipo scar? While scar tissue after chin lipo does form, it’s uncommon to have a very noticeable double chin lipo scar over time.

Let’s take a closer look at what chin liposuction surgery is, what chin lipo recovery is like, and what you can expect in terms of chin lipo scar tissue.

What Is Chin Liposuction?

Chin liposuction, or submental liposuction, is a plastic surgery procedure that is performed on the face (neck and chin area) to define the jawline and reduce excess fat along the neck. The result is a more refined and youthful appearance.

This is a minimally invasive procedure. Chin liposuction cost is usually less than traditional liposuction cost. Chin lipo does not get rid of excess neck skin (“turkey neck”).

Chin Liposuction Procedure Steps

1. Administration of Anesthesia

Chin liposuction is typically performed under local anesthesia, although some patients may opt for general anesthesia if chin liposuction is combined with other procedures.

2. Incisions

A small incision is made — usually right beneath the chin. Sometimes, an incision is made behind each ear as well. This is generally for more significant double chin liposuction.

Again, while you will have an incision chin lipo scar visibility is usually low (more on this later).

scar tissue after chin lipo

3. Removal of Unwanted Fat (Neck Liposuction)

Through the incisions that your surgeon made, a thin cannula (tube) is inserted to carefully suction out the excess fat.

4. Incision Closure

Once the target amount of fat has been suctioned out, your surgeon will carefully close your incisions. Naturally, their goal is that your chin lipo scar heals nicely and is not visible.

5. Chin Lipo Recovery

Most patients can return home on the day of surgery as this is a minimally invasive procedure. It’s normal to have soreness, swelling, and bruising. Rest, eat a healthy diet, drink a lot of water, and don’t exert yourself.

What Do Chin Lipo Scars Look Like?

Chin liposuction procedures produce scars that are typically around one to two millimeters in length. They are red and slightly raised at first but will fade and flatten with time. This makes them quite inconspicuous to begin with.

In addition, while other liposuction procedures may require incisions in more noticeable areas (liposuction with tummy tuck surgery, for example), liposuction on the chin allows you to have just one small incision in the indentation and shadow beneath your chin. This means your resulting chin liposuction scar is well-hidden.

Are Chin Lipo Scars Noticeable After 1 Year?

For most patients, chin lipo scars are barely noticeable after one year. The scar is small to start with and only starts to look more like your surrounding skin as time goes on.

Tips for Minimizing Chin Lipo Scars

1. Stay out of the sun

Sun exposure can make healing scars darker, thus making them more visible. Wear sunscreen and protective clothing if you have to be out in the sun and think your healing scar will be exposed to sunlight.

2. Care for your incision sites carefully

Proper wound care is essential during chin lipo recovery. Most surgeons will have you wearing a chin lipo compression garment for a few days. But otherwise, you’ll need to keep your incision sites clean and dry. After a while, you can begin to gently wash the area and perhaps apply ointments or silicone scar sheets.

3. Use silicone gel sheets

Silicone gel sheets are highly effective when it comes to reducing scar visibility. These products create a protective barrier over the healing skin, keep it moisturized, and promote softening of the scar tissue — all great things for having smooth, hard-to-see scars. Just be sure you are using your scar sheets consistently as regular use is required to see results.

4. Use massage (with care)

Talk to your surgeon about massage after chin liposuction. Some surgeons will have you lightly massaging the area to help you soften up the formation of scar tissue. You can typically use a moisturizer or scar cream to help your hands glide along your skin better and possibly support a smoother appearance overall.

Just be sure you are talking to your surgeon about massage before you try it after your surgical procedure. You don’t want to start too soon and disrupt your incision sites. This is something that should be done after the initial recovery period (after your incisions have fully closed).

FAQs: Chin Liposuction Scars

double chin lipo scar

Do some people develop more visible scars after chin liposuction?

Yes, certain individuals may be more prone to developing visible scars, such as keloid scars. However, this is rare. And even if it happens, liposuction scars that are highly noticeable can often be revised, removed, or otherwise improved.

You will need to wait until you’ve fully healed from your chin and neck liposuction cosmetic surgery to have any significant scar treatments, however.

Can chin lipo leave scars if I get sun exposure?

Yes, sun exposure can darken chin liposuction scars. Especially during the healing process, stay out of the sun or use sunscreen on your chin and neck.

Call Today to Schedule a Consultation

Could chin liposuction Beverly Hills be right for you? You can learn more about this procedure and double chin liposuction scars at your chin liposuction consultation appointment. Call today to schedule your appointment with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Charles Galanis.


  1. https://www.mayoclinic.org/tests-procedures/liposuction/about/pac-20384586