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What Makes a Good BBL Candidate?

BBL Candidate

The ideal BBL candidate is a man or woman who wants to “reorganize” the distribution of fat on their body — particularly around the midsection, buttocks, and thighs. During a Beverly Hills Brazilian butt lift procedure, fat is taken primarily from the waist and flanks and transferred, via fat grafting, to the buttocks and hips.

Most healthy adults qualify for this surgery. However, Brazilian butt lift surgery is major surgery. Therefore, patients must have more than just a desire for an improved figure in order to be good candidates.

Are You a Candidate for BBL Surgery?

These are the requirements for BBL surgery patients.

Have a body shape that would benefit from a BBL.

There are many body shapes that could be aesthetically improved with help from a Brazilian butt lift procedure.

However, most BBL patients have an “apple body shape”. This means they have a small and/or flat buttocks with non-protruding hips and/or hip dips. They may also struggle with stubborn body fat, especially around their abdomen.

With a BBL fat transfer, the unwanted fat from their midsection can be taken and added to the hips and buttocks to create more of an hourglass figure.

Be in good physical health.Candidate For BBL

Most patients have a fine body for undergoing a surgical procedure. Still, it’s best when patients are non smokers who eat a healthy diet and exercise regularly.

In addition, anyone with major health conditions or those currently undergoing medical treatments may need to have further testing.

Be at a stable weight.

Most people, no matter their body weight, are suitable to undergo Brazilian butt lift surgery. Of course, it’s best when patients are within a healthy weight for their sex, age, and height. In some cases, obese patients with an excessively high BMI (body max index) may not be candidates for surgery.

Otherwise, it’s important to be at a stable weight living a healthy lifestyle prior to BBL surgery because any serious weight fluctuations following surgery may change your brazilian butt lift results. So, if you have plans for significant weight loss or gain after surgery or if your weight tends to fluctuate quite a bit from year to year, you may need to wait until you reach a way you can maintain for a long period of time before getting this surgery.

Otherwise, your results may change, and you may ultimately be unhappy with your outcome.

Have an adequate amount of excess body fat.

A BBL procedure involves removing excess fat from “trouble areas” where the fat is unwanted and relocating it to the hips and buttocks for body contouring. If the patient does not have enough fat to be removed, it’s natural then that no modifications can be made to the hips and buttocks.

Therefore, the only people who can undergo this surgery and achieve successful results are those with an adequate amount of excess body fat. Typically, this fat is located around the midsection on the stomach, flanks, and back. But in most cases, unwanted fat can also be removed from the upper arms, the inner thighs, and elsewhere as well.

Best Candidate for BBL

Don’t have a lot of excess sagging skin.

Some patients who seek Brazilian butt lift results also have sagging skin on their buttocks or abdomen. This is not an ideal situation for Brazilian butt lift surgery because sagging skin typically doesn’t go away and can even be worsened after liposuction.

If, for example, a patient has excess loose skin on their abdomen, and they want to remove excess body fat from here to have it relocated to the buttocks and hips, this is going to leave even more skin on the stomach.

Have realistic expectations.

In most cases, a Brazilian butt lift BBL can change shape of your body significantly and improve your overall contours drastically for a more aesthetic appearance.

However, it’s important to know that fat absorption happens at different rates for different people, and results aren’t always guaranteed. As with any cosmetic surgery, it’s important to have realistic expectations.

FAQ: Ideal BBL Candidates

Who is not a good candidate for BBL surgery?

Patients who do not have enough excess body fat, smokers, those with serious medical conditions, and those with unrealistic expectations are often not good candidates for a Brazilian butt lift procedure. To know for sure, always book a consultation appointment.

How much does a BBL Cost?

BBL cost varies by location, doctor, extent of surgery, anesthesia, facility fees, and other factors. Book a consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon to get a reliable brazilian butt lift cost estimate for BBL surgery.

Contact Us Today to Schedule Your Consultation

Whenever undergoing a major cosmetic surgery, it’s important that you choose an experienced cosmetic surgeon who is board certified by the American Board of Plastic Surgery (ABPS). This is certainly true for a BBL procedure.

Dr. Charles Galanis is ABPS certified and experienced with the BBL surgical process. If you would like to know if you’re a good candidate for a Brazilian butt lift, please contact our office today to schedule a consultation appointment with Dr. Galanis.

