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Vaser Liposuction vs Liposuction: What Is the difference?

If you wanted to trim down your body in the past, traditional liposuction was the best option to remove stubborn fat deposits and contour the body.  Hi-Definition Liposuction is a modern body contouring procedure that involves just one, safe and quick minimally invasive procedure removing excess fat while contributing to a shorter healing process.

The vaser liposuction technique provides you with fat removal, body toning, and skin tightening to make your body look more defined and athletic. We offer this revolutionary vaser liposuction procedure to help you reach your desired body shape at Galanis Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA.

What Is Hi-Definition Liposuction?

Hi-Definition Liposuction, or 4D Lipo, is a vaser liposuction procedure assisted by ultrasound energy and tumescent fluid to dislodge fat cells and make fat removal easy providing a toned and contoured body.

This body contouring procedure is minimally invasive and uses a small incision, and then the ultrasound will liquefy fat cells, making it easier to remove.

You can gain an athletic-looking and toned body from 4D Lipo as it sculpts muscle, tightens the skin, and removes stubborn fat deposits, revealing lean muscle. The fat cells are removed gently, so the vaser liposuction procedure can be combined with augmentation.

What to Expect From the Procedure

Your Vaser Liposuction procedure takes place in our Beverly Hills office location after a consultation where we evaluate if 4D Lipo will provide the results you expect in a way that is safe for you.

Leading up to your body contouring procedures, you will not need to make dramatic changes to your daily life. We will provide a small list of things to do before and after the vaser lipo procedure.

After the procedure, you will reach your body goal with long-lasting results by eliminating excess fat, toning muscle, and tightening the skin. You can trim your waist, remove your love handles, and eliminate your double chin.

You will enjoy these results without intense exercise and dieting. The ultrasound device used in the cannula makes removing fat cells a smooth process. After the vaso lipo procedure, you can get back to work after only four to seven days.

How Does the Vaser Lipo Procedure Differ From Traditional Liposuction?

Improved Body Contouring Results

One major advantage of Hi-Definition Liposuction is that the results are more significant than the results you can expect from traditional liposuction.

Vaser liposuction procedures provide gentle unwanted fat removal by liquifying the fat cells before it is removed, reducing the tugging and pulling needed with traditional liposuction.

The procedure is called 4D Lipo because it provides 360-degree treatment, or full-body treatment, and improves the tone and definition of the body.

Hi-Definition Liposuction works by combining ultrasound with the liposuction method, so you get the benefits of both. Ultrasound helps tighten the skin after the procedure, so you will notice the skin gradually improve in the months following the procedure.

The ultrasound can also give your muscles more definition, giving you a toned and lean body without damaging the surrounding tissues.

Faster Recovery Time

While you will still need several days of rest after your 4D Lipo procedure, compared to traditional liposuction, the recovery time is reduced significantly. The small incision and reduced bleeding and bruising allow you to return to most of your daily routine within a week.

If you work in an office, you may be able to return to work in four to seven days, but more strenuous activities should be resumed after four weeks of recovery. If you feel pain or discomfort while taking part in an activity, you should resume the activity only after you recover.

However, you will not be lying in a hospital bed for several days, as this is an outpatient procedure. Traditional lipo generally takes 10 days before you can return to work and requires at least 24 hours of inpatient care.

Fewer Risks in the Procedure

Hi-Def Liposuction has fewer risks than traditional lipo. The incision is a mere one to two centimeters, and the fat cells are removed without pulling and tearing. The incision is closed after the treatment with sutures that will dissolve over time, so you will not need to come back for removal of the sutures.

During the procedure, you will not be under a general anesthetic. Instead, a localized tumescent anesthetic will be injected at the treatment site.

Remove Fat From Anywhere

Hi-Def Liposuction can be used to remove stubborn fat from almost any part of the body. Sensitive areas of the body like the face, neck, inner knee, and ankles can be treated thanks to the more gentle fat removal process.

More typical pockets of fat, like the abdomen, back, flanks, thighs, hips, chest, buttocks, and upper arms, can be thinned and toned with this procedure.

The liquified fat cells that has been removed can also be used for body augmentation procedures, and this procedure works well with other procedures.

The skin will also not need to be cut or lifted after the surgery thanks to the skin tightening benefits of the ultrasound device.

How Long Will the Procedure Take?

The entire procedure takes up to seven hours to perform. The amount of time may vary based on how much fat is being removed and the size of the area being treated.

During the duration of the procedure, you will not be put to sleep, but you will also not be in pain.

The tumescent anesthetic takes care of pain and reduces bleeding and bruising. The procedure itself is also less physically traumatic and invasive than traditional liposuction.

The procedure requires only outpatient care, so you will not need to stay overnight in our office or a hospital.

When Will I See Results?

You will notice an immediate change in your body after the 4D Lipo procedure, but it may take up to 12 months for the results to reach their peak. Fat reduction will be immediate and will improve in the weeks following the treatment.

Your skin will tighten for three to six months after the treatment, and you will see skin laxity subside. Muscle tone will also improve in the months following the treatment as fat cells are reduced and skin becomes firm.

Is It Permanent?

The fat removal from the procedure is permanent. The fat cells are removed from the body and eliminated so they will not regenerate. Fat growth in the treated area of the body is significantly decreased as there are fewer fat cells.

This does not mean that you will no longer need to diet and exercise, however. Patients who live a healthy lifestyle after their treatment experience prolonged results and the best appearance. Untreated areas of the body will still experience normal fat growth.

Skin tightness after the procedure is not permanent. You will see skin tightness increase over several months, and then the tightness will begin to fade about a year after the procedure, depending on your lifestyle and age.

You should avoid sun exposure and keep your skin healthy to maintain tightness as long as possible. If needed, skin tightening treatments can help prolong the results.

liposction vs vaser liposuctionBefore the Procedure

Before your procedure starts, we will provide you with a consultation to ensure the procedure will provide you with great benefits and will be safe.

During the consultation, we will ask you questions about your health and medical history and help you understand what to expect from the procedure.

You should arrange a ride home and have someone to help you around the house with meal preparation and cleaning. You may be less active for the first 48 hours after your procedure, so it can be helpful to have an extra hand.

Before your procedure, it is important to maintain a healthy diet, get some light exercise, and rest.

Have a light meal the night before your surgery and avoid smoking or drinking alcohol before the surgery. Arrive at our office location with comfortable clothing on and no jewelry or piercings.

After the Procedure

After the 4D Lipo procedure, you will have a lymphatic drainage massage to stimulate your lymphatic system. This aids in the removal of waste fat cells from your body. You should arrange for someone to drive you home after the procedure and someone to help you around the house.

Your meals should be light and easy to digest for the first 48 hours, and you will need plenty of rest during this time. You will be able to take part in light tasks such as office work by the end of the week and can return to more strenuous activities after four weeks.

You will need to wear a compression garment 24 hours per day for up to four weeks following your procedure.

You will not need to return for the sutures to be removed, but you will need to return for follow-ups in the first and second weeks, then after four to six weeks, then at six to 12 months later. You should also avoid prolonged sun exposure for three months.

Who Is an Ideal Candidate?

Hi-Definition Liposuction is an ideal treatment for men and women looking to eliminate stubborn pockets of fat from their bodies. The procedure is safe for adults of any skin tone who are in good health.

You should be under a BMI of 32 before you seek 4D Lipo treatment and inform the doctor during the consultation if you have recently undergone significant weight loss.

Who Is 4D Lipo Not Good for?

4D Lipo is not a treatment for obesity and is not recommended if you have a BMI above 32. We also do not recommend the procedure if you have significant skin laxity for whatever reason.

The procedure is not recommended for women who are pregnant or nursing. 4D Lipo provides safe and effective body contouring for women needing fat reduction after childbirth if the body is given time to stabilize. This stabilization may take six months.

You may not be eligible for 4D Lipo if you have certain health conditions or are taking medications that may interfere in the procedure. If you take blood thinners or anti-inflammatory drugs, the procedure can be unsafe.

The procedure is not recommended if you have excessive bleeding, blood clots, or immunodeficiency disorders.

How Much Will It Cost?

It is unlikely that your health insurance plan will cover the procedure because it is an elective cosmetic procedure. Contact your health insurance provider for more information about your coverage benefits.

If your insurance will not cover the costs, you may be wondering if the procedure is expensive. The price of 4D Lipo can vary significantly depending on your body goal and needs.

For an accurate price range, contact us at Galanis Plastic Surgery for a personalized quote. The procedure can offer savings over a traditional liposuction procedure because of the reduced downtime, however.

Experience the Benefits of 4D Lipo Today

If you think Hi-Definition Liposuction is right for you, visit Galanis Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA for your initial consultation with a board certified plastic surgeon today.

You can remove fat and get a toned and athletic body without an intense workout and diet plan. The procedure is safer and more effective than traditional liposuction. It provides a total solution, including skin tightening and muscle sculpting, for great results.


  1. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/articles/body-contourings-latest-frontier-high-definition-liposuction