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Non Invasive Liposuction Vs Liposuction


Liposuction is the second most popular cosmetic procedure according to the most recent statistics from the American Society of Plastic Surgeons.

The versatility of the liposuction procedure allows patients to destroy fat cells on almost any area of the body, such as the upper arms, back, abdomen, hips, and outer thighs.

In recent years, liposuction techniques have been perfected, and nonsurgical fat reduction liposuction options are now available to produce results similar to those of standard liposuction improving body contouring.

Liposuction is not meant to be a weight loss procedure, it is more focused on the removal of excess fat for body contouring.

It is for patients who are near their ideal weight and helps by removing stubborn fat with minimal discomfort and giving the slimmer body contour that the patient desires.

Both non-invasive liposuction and standard liposuction have their advantages, but one may benefit you more than the other. Below is a comparison of both options to consider before your consultation at Galanis Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills.



Standard liposuction is a surgical procedure that requires a few very short incisions in the area(s) of concern, which can be the midsection or almost any other area of the body. Patients may have excess fat reduced from multiple areas during one procedure while under general anesthesia or local anesthesia for liposuction.

Unlike non-invasive liposuction, results with standard liposuction are apparent soon after surgery once swelling subsides.

There are more risks associated with standard liposuction and general anesthesia, but patients can experience more inches lost and from various areas of the body. Recovery time is approximately two weeks depending on the extent of the procedure.



Non Invasive LiposuctionNon surgical liposuction is for those who are living a healthy lifestyle but have localized unwanted fat deposits that have proven difficult to remove with diet and exercise.

The most common area of concern is the midsection: the abdomen, “love handles,” and bra fat on the back. One non invasive fat removal option for liposuction, called Liposonix®, is mainly applied to these areas.

Unlike traditional liposuction, Liposonix® uses high-intensity ultrasound technology to target the unwanted subcutaneous fat without harming the skin.

No needles or knives are required during the one-hour treatment, and patients can resume normal activities immediately. Patients typically lose about one inch from their waistline after this fat deposit reduction, which can translate to one dress or pant size.

These results will continue to improve and become noticeable between 8 and 12 weeks after treatment.

Another non surgical fat removal procedure is laser lipolysis.  Laser lipolysis represents a laser assisted liposuction non-invasive body sculpting method designed for the elimination of minor fat deposits.

Similar to surgical liposuction, this laser assisted fat removal liposuction technique permanently eliminates stubborn fat cells from your body. However, it offers a considerably less painful experience, with a shorter and less complex recovery process.

Questions and Answers

Does Non Invasive Laser Liposuction Work?

Nonsurgical liposuction typically involves minimal to no recovery time in contrast to surgical liposuction, but it may not be as effective when addressing larger areas for fat removal.

Can belly fat be removed without surgery?

Non surgical fat reduction and minimally invasive procedure techniques encompass heat or cooling-based technology and fat cell-reducing injections.

While these options don’t substitute liposuction, they offer alternatives for surgery-averse or ineligible patients who need help removing excess fat cells and loose skin.

How safe is non-surgical liposuction?

Both approaches are generally safe, albeit with potential minor side effects. It’s crucial to assess all non-surgical fat reduction risks and complications before undergoing any treatment.

Does Liposonix really work for removing fat?

Absolutely. In appropriately chosen individuals and following our exclusive treatment protocols, we observe significant improvements in at least 90% of cases.

Although outcomes may differ, both clinical research and our expertise demonstrate an average reduction of approximately one dress or pant size (equivalent to 1 inch or 2.5 cm) in waistline measurements.

Unwanted fat cells, like minor facial fat, a double chin, moderate weight gain associated with exercise resistant fat, can be treated with a variety of  fat reduction treatments.  Find out which liposuction procedure would benefit you the most.

Contact Our Office Today

During your consultation, Charles Galanis, M.D., will evaluate your desires as well as your health history and physical anatomy to help you determine which fat reduction liposuction procedure is right for you.

To schedule your appointment, please call (310) 858-8930 or fill out our online contact form today.

