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Navigating Breast Augmentation Options

In our experience, many women who come to see us regarding breast augmentation Beverly Hills have typically been considering breast implants for some time. Receiving breast implants is rarely a decision they take lightly considering the cosmetic surgery risks, possible complications, recovery time, and, yes, the cost among several other factors.

Even after making the decision to undergo breast augmentation surgery, a whole new series of options awaits. Each option will have pros and cons that are determined by the unique goals and desired outcome, as well as the physical anatomy of the patient.

We understand that this process can be overwhelming, and Dr. Galanis truly enjoys guiding his patients through the decision-making process combining your wishes with his experienced cosmetic surgeon’s recommendations during the initial consultation.

Until then, this list can help you familiarize yourself with some of the choices of breast augmentation surgery and, in some cases, how to navigate them.


In general, we ask our patients to focus on the look they want to achieve following their breast implant procedure rather than a specific cup size, as there is no reliable correlation between a specific volume and cup size.

One study suggested that although the satisfaction rates for breast augmentation exceeded 95 percent, nearly 80 percent of women said if they could go back and change anything about their breast implant decision, it would have been to go with a slightly larger breast size.

Just the same, some patients think they only may need a small increase in volume, and that is enough to help them reach their goals and avoid different types of risks associated with a large implant and small frame combination for a more uniform shape.

After your physical assessment and medical history check, we will have you try on specially-made sizers to get a sense of what breast implant sizes are the ideal option for you.

Breast augmentation size options


You may want your breasts to appear very natural, or you may want more fullness toward the top of the breasts for added cleavage. For the most natural look and feel, many patients choose anatomically shaped “teardrop” implants.

These are shaped like the natural breasts and taper toward the top. They have several advantages over other implant types, including a lower rate of rupture, capsular contracture, and implant rippling. We think they are an excellent choice for thin patients with minimal breast tissue who want a subtle, natural result.

For women who would like a rounder, more voluptuous look, round implants, either silicone breast implants or saline breast implants will provide more fullness in the upper pole of the breasts. Choosing breast implants with a higher projection or a wider base can also affect cleavage and overall appearance.


Another one of the important decisions you need to make when preparing for breast augmentation is deciding between the two substances that fill your breast implants.

Both types of breast implants exhibit distinct tactile characteristics. Silicone breast implants are crafted to emulate the feel of a natural breast, being soft to the touch. In contrast, saline implants tend to be firmer, but in the event of a rupture, the saline solution, which is a sterile salt water, can be safely absorbed by the body.

Silicone implants generally exhibit a more realistic appearance, both in terms of their shape and movement. Saline breast implants, on the other hand, tend to have a more rounded shape and less noticeable movement.

With silicone breast implants, silicone gel exerts significant outward pressure on the breast implant, aiding in the maintenance of a sturdy, natural shape.

Conversely, saline implants may be susceptible to slight rippling or wrinkling around the edges, which can become visible through the skin as they yield to the pressure exerted by the surrounding natural breast tissue.

breast augmentation size optionsIMPLANT PLACEMENT

Options for breast implant placement include subglandular placement, where the breast implants are positioned behind the breast tissue but in front of the chest muscles.

Another alternative is partial submuscular placement, where the breast implants are situated behind the breast tissue and partially behind the muscles.

During the breast implantation of these breast implants in the chest area, there is a distinction in the procedure. Silicone gel implants are pre-filled, requiring larger incisions for proper placement.

Conversely, saline filled implants require smaller incisions during insertion into the chest area, as they are filled after being correctly positioned.


Although scar tissue will result from breast implant surgery, they are well-hidden within the natural folds and pigmentation lines of the natural breast tissue. The most common incision locations are around the areolas (periareolar incision) and beneath the breasts following the natural crease (inframammary incision).

If you have a darkly pigmented and larger areola, the periareolar incision is certainly an excellent option. However, since the periareolar incision runs near more milk ducts and sweat glands, it has been associated with a slightly higher rate of infection than the inframammary incision although still less than 2 percent.

When using the inframammary incision, your cosmetic surgeon will take careful measurements so that the incision ends up virtually hidden in the crease.


Some breast augmentation choices can influence the length of recovery time following plastic surgery or the level of discomfort during recovery. For a faster, easier recovery, a minimal increase in size along with implant placement above the muscle may be the best choice.

However, implant placement below the muscles will appear more natural and reduces the risk of implant rippling. Although it may make recovery slightly more difficult, submuscular placement is usually recommended. The best choice, again, depends mostly on the patient’s preferences and body type.

Questions and Answers

What I wish I knew before getting breast implants?

Make sure that prior to getting breast implants that you have realistic expectations.  Be prepared to take time off of work and away from some of life’s most strenuous duties.

Your body will change weekly in most cases and it will be emotional, but if you keep your long term goals in mind, the recovery process to great long lasting results won’t be as long as it seems.

What is the difference between silicone gel implants and gummy bear implants?

Different from traditional silicone implants, gummy bear breast implants feature a silicon gel with a thicker consistency. In comparison to traditional implants, gummy bear breast implants are firmer, maintain their shape more effectively, and provide a more natural feel to the touch.

What is a breast implant shell made of?

Breast implants filled with silicone gel are comprised of an outer implant shell made of silicone that is filled with silicone gel.  Breast implants filled with saline also feature a silicone outer shell by they are filled with sterile saltwater (saline). Available in various sizes, both type of implants can have either a smooth or textured implant shell.

What is the most requested breast augmentation?

So your wondering what is the most popular breast implant… Well, the answers are mixed, but most say to go with saline implants if you want to lower complication risk, go with silicone implants if you are going for a more natural overall appearance, or choose gummy bear implants if you want the volume of saline with the natural feel and contour of silicone implants.

Book Your Breast Augmentation Consultation

Board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Galanis, will help guide you through the decision-making process of your cosmetic surgery so that you can get the breast augmentation results that are right for you. To schedule your consultation, please call Galanis Plastic Surgery in the  Beverly Hills office at (310) 858-8930 today.


  1. https://www.webmd.com/beauty/cosmetic-procedures-breast-augmentation