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How To Prepare For A Liposuction Procedure

It is completely normal to feel anxious and nervous ahead of any form of surgical procedure, but particularly so when it is a procedure that you have not experienced before. Most patients find that feeling prepared can go a long way to help quell their stress about their forthcoming plastic surgery.

Also keep in mind that this is not a weight loss procedure and it is important to maintain a good diet and exercise plan and not gain weight prior to any body contouring surgery.

To help alleviate your worries about traditional liposuction, here is what you need to know about how to prepare for a liposuction procedure in Beverly Hills. 


There are several different liposuction techniques that your surgeon can choose from to fit your individual body contouring needs.  Your plastic surgery will be targeting the removal of fatty tissue and unwanted fat to help enhance your desired outcome with one of these cosmetic procedures.

Liposuction comes in various types:

Tumescent liposuction (fluid injection) stands as the most prevalent form. This procedure utilizes tumescent anesthesia and microcannulae. These small cannulae create tunnels within the subcutaneous tissue, enabling a more efficient and less invasive fat removal process compared to larger cannulae.

The super-wet technique closely resembles tumescent liposuction.  Superwet anesthesia is a regional anesthesia technique employed in liposuction surgery. It involves the uniform and pressurized infusion of a solution until the tissue reaches a state of blanching and moderate tension.

Ultrasound assisted liposuction (UAL) deploys ultrasonic vibrations to convert fat cells into liquid.

Laser assisted liposuction (LAL) utilizes laser energy to liquefy fat cells.  The laser assisted liposuction technique involves the application of high-intensity laser light to break down fat, making it easier to remove them through a cannula. Laser lipolysis is a non-invasive form of body sculpting. It removes small fat deposits. Like surgical liposuction, this procedure permanently removes fat from your body. It’s much less painful, though, and laser lipolysis recovery is also shorter and less complicated.

Power assisted liposuction (PAL) Power-assisted liposuction utilizes slender, high-frequency vibrating cannulas. These vibrating cannulas smoothly navigate through the tissues, gently dislodging fat cells from their attachments before they are removed with a gentle vacuum suction.


You should start the physical preparations for liposuction at least two weeks ahead of your procedure, although the earlier the better.

Stop smoking

Smoking is bad for our health and leads to coronary artery disease, but it also has a significant effect on how well we heal, including post-surgery healing. Smoking also reduces the blood flow to the blood vessels in our skin, and this can affect the overall outcome from your surgery. Once you stop, don’t start again. Your body and bank balance will thank you for it!

Get the right nutrition and drink plenty of water

A healthy diet of vegetables, fruits, lean proteins, healthy fats and a little carbohydrate is essential for getting your body in tip top condition before your surgery. Make sure you drink plenty of water too. This will help flush out any germs and benefit your overall health and wellbeing.  Maintaining your body weight prior to this and any other cosmetic surgery procedures.

Stop taking medications wherever possible

Obviously, you will need to consult with our doctor as to which medications to stop, but many can interact with other drugs you may be given after your procedure. You should stop taking all aspirin (including ibuprofen), NSAIDs and cold/sinus medications.

If you are taking anything that compromises your bloods ability to clot this will also need to be stopped. Be sure to go through your list of medications with our doctor in detail during your consultation.

Get your home prepared for the post-surgical period

One of the best things that you can do to be prepared is to organize your home so that you have all of the supplies that you need while you rest and heal. This includes gauze pads and other medical equipment, compression garments, frozen meals and entertainment – anything that makes your recovery period easier will be extremely beneficial!


It is all very well being physically prepared for liposuction and following the pre-procedure instructions given to you by our doctor, but it is just as important for your psychological wellbeing to be emotionally prepared for this cosmetic surgery too.

The recovery period after liposuction

Any sort of surgery is obviously invasive, and for this reason you need to understand the implications of the recovery period, which can take several weeks or longer and may involve some days of discomfort.

You can take pain relief medications to manage this but having awareness of the limitations and feelings you are likely to experience after your procedure will help you feel better prepared and more able to cope.

The risks associated with liposuction

Although liposuction is generally a very safe and straightforward procedure, there is a small element of risk involved. These tend to be common surgical complications such as infection, reactions to anesthesia, nerve damage, bleeding and liposuction scarring.


Liposuction Procedure

Our doctor will discuss these risks with you to put your mind at ease, but as with all medical procedures, you can help minimize the likelihood of complications by following our doctor’s post-operative care advice.

The results of your liposuction

You also need to understand the limitations associated with liposuction. Although it will transform certain aspects of your appearance, tightening up the areas of your body you choose to focus on, it is not a way to lose weight.

Therefore, you must have realistic expectations as to the outcome of your procedure. Those patients who expect sudden, dramatic change such as a drop from a size 10 to a size 4 are setting themselves up for disappointment.

Questions and Answers

How painful is liposuction?

Liposuction is generally not a painful surgical procedure, as you’ll typically be under general anesthesia during the procedure.

Nevertheless, you may experience significant post-surgical discomfort upon waking up.  Expect some swelling and fluid retention as well.

How long does liposuction last?

Liposuction results are considered permanent due to the distinct characteristics of fat cells.

How many sizes do you go down after liposuction?

Whether excess fat troubles your abdomen, love handles, hips, or thighs, liposuction can enhance your silhouette and clothing fit. Depending on your specific needs, it may lead to a reduction of 1 to 2 dress sizes.

Could I combine liposuction with a tummy tuck?

It is possible that you could combine liposuction and tummy tuck.  Sometimes only the traditional liposuction is not enough and a tummy tuck is needed to remove loose skin and finish the body contour process.

Book Your Liposuction Procedure Consultation Today

If you have any further questions about preparing for liposuction, our knowledgeable team would be pleased to answer them for you. Feel free to contact our offices at your convenience.

