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Breast Lift Pros and Cons

Breast Lift Pros and Cons

You look in the mirror and see what your breasts look like and you’re unhappy. This is not a unique story. If this is how you feel when you look in the mirror, you’re not alone. Many women don’t like the appearance of their breasts, and it’s not always because their breasts are “too small” — or “too big”.

For most women, the reason they don’t like their breasts is that they are droopy. This usually happens with aging, and rarely, it’s linked to genetics. In reality, the top two reasons why breast sagging occurs are 1) significant weight gain and rapid weight loss and 2) pregnancy and breastfeeding.

Both weight gain and loss and pregnancy and breastfeeding cause your breast skin to be stretched out due to the influx of fat or milk. Then, when the weight loss occurs, or breastfeeding stops and the fat and milk are gone, the skin remains stretched out and never retracts.

Breast sagging and drooping cannot be fixed with any serum, injectable, exercise, or product. The only way to correct sagging breasts is with surgery. Specifically, you need to undergo breast lift surgery.

Below, we’ll go over what the breast lift procedure entails and the top breast lift pros and cons to be aware of if you are considering this plastic surgery for yourself.

Breast Lift Surgery Overview

A breast lift, also known as mastopexy, is a surgical procedure that raises and reshapes sagging breasts by removing excess skin and tightening the remaining skin and breast tissue. The procedure is designed to give the breasts a more youthful and lifted appearance with perkier nipples.

With most breast lift surgeries, incisions are made in the breast crease and around the areolae. Sometimes, vertical incisions on the lower half of the breasts are also needed. These incisions allow the surgeon to reposition the nipples and reduce the size of the areolae if needed.

While a breast lift procedure does not significantly change the size of the breasts, it can be combined with breast augmentation or breast reduction procedures for enhanced results.

Pros and Cons of Breast Lift Surgery

Like any cosmetic procedure, a breast lift comes with major benefits as well as potential drawbacks. Let’s explore the key advantages and some considerations to keep in mind when considering this surgery.

Breast Lift Pros (Benefits)

1. Improved Breast Shape

A breast lift can dramatically improve the shape and contour of sagging breasts, creating a firmer, more youthful appearance with perkier nipples.

pros and cons of breast lift without implant

2. Repositioning of Nipples

The procedure lifts and repositions the nipples to a more natural and aesthetically pleasing height, especially if they have started to point downward and droop.

3. Long-Lasting Results

While natural aging will continue, the results of a breast lift are generally long-lasting, especially if patients maintain a stable weight.

4. Boost in Self-Confidence

Many women report increased self-esteem and body confidence after the procedure due to the improved look of their breasts. They can find clothing and bras that are more comfortable, and their renewed confidence often leads to other benefits in other areas of their lives.

Breast Lift Cons (Drawbacks)

1. Scarring

One of the primary drawbacks is the potential for visible scars, which will result wherever a breast lift incision needs to be made. Breast lift scars typically fade and flatten out over time but may still be noticeable, depending on the individual’s healing process.

2. Changes in Sensation

Some patients may experience temporary changes in nipple sensation following surgery. Tingling, numbness (full or partial) or reduced sensation overall can occur for several months or up to a year or more. Less often, these changes may be permanent.

3. No Major Size Change

A breast lift improves shape and position but does not alter the size of the breasts. If a size change is desired, a lift must be combined with breast implants (for increased volume) or a reduction (for decreased volume).

4. Recovery Time

Like any surgery, the breast lift recovery time will last several weeks. This will be a time of restricted activity and special self care to ensure proper healing.

FAQ: Breast Lift Surgeries

What’s the difference between a breast lift and breast augmentation?

Many patients confuse breast lift vs augmentation. Breast lifts aim to literally lift the breasts, raising the areolae and nipples as well. Breast augmentation (breast implant surgery) is a surgical procedure that entails inserting breast implants into the patient’s chest to increase breast size.

pros and cons of breast lift

What are the pros and cons of breast lift without implant surgery?

When it comes to breast lift without implant pros and cons, the pros include a more natural breast shape and the avoidance of foreign materials. Cons include the fact that a breast lift without implants does not add any volume to the breasts and may not achieve the fuller look some patients desire.

Requestion a Consultation with Dr. Galanis Today

Board certified plastic surgeon Dr. Charles Galanis specializes in breast surgery, including breast lift surgery, breast augmentation, breast reduction (to achieve smaller breasts by removing excess breast tissue and excess skin), and others.

Call our office today to set up a personal consultation appointment with Dr. Galanis. We look forward to hearing from you.


  1. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/news/blog/what-is-a-breast-lift-and-what-are-the-benefits-of-this-procedure