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Breast Implant Replacement Surgery: What You Need To Know

If you’re thinking about undergoing breast augmentation surgery, or you have implants already, you might be wondering what happens if your implants become damaged or cause problematic side effects for your body.

In some extreme cases, breast implant removal Beverly Hills might be the best course of action. This procedure involves removing the implants and surrounding scar tissue, eliminating the risk of breast implant illness, and restoring the breast to its original shape.

However, for women looking to keep the results of their implants, implant replacement or breast implant revision surgery is a great option. During an implant replacement procedure, plastic surgeons remove the previous implant, repair any damage, and replace it with new implants of a similar size or shape.

Like any plastic surgery, breast implant replacement varies on a case by case basis, and working with a board certified surgeon is essential. With that in mind, there are a few things you should get before having breast implants replaced.

Why Choose A Breast Implant Replacement?

Breast implants have been among the most sought-after cosmetic surgeries for women since their creation, but with time, new and improved methodologies might make replacing your implants worth your while.

Besides the cosmetic concerns that old implants can create, health issues are also common in women who have old or outdated implants.

For example, you may consider a breast implant revision surgery if you experience:

Breast Implant Illness(BII)

One of the most common reasons for replacing implants is due to BII. While the exact cause of this condition is unknown, many researchers speculate it could be due to the body’s autoimmune system rejecting certain ingredients in breast implants, like silicone gel filled implants or saline implants.

When this happens, many women begin experiencing symptoms like:Breast Implant Replacement Surgery

  • Joint pain
  • Chronic fatigue
  • Difficulty concentrating
  • Sleep disturbances
  • Breathing troubles
  • Skin conditions
  • Increased anxiety
  • Depression
  • Headaches
  • Hair loss
  • Digestive issues

If you already have implants and these symptoms are present, you should contact your healthcare provider to have your implants checked as soon as possible.

Implant Rupture

While a ruptured implant is rare, it still poses a threat to your health if left untreated. Implant ruptures are most common in saline breast implants and can be easily diagnosed with a simple breast exam.

When the saline implant ruptures, the saline begins to seep out, causing the implant to lose its shape or appear “deflated.” A breast implant replacement procedure can be used to replace one or both breasts, depending on each patient’s unique needs.

Cosmetic Reasons

Unfortunately, some women may find that their breast implants don’t live up to their expectations, especially if they are working with a less experienced plastic surgeon.

Issues such as dissatisfaction with the implant size, or other aesthetic concerns, may prompt the consideration of a breast implant removal surgery. In this case, having a new surgeon replace your implants might be the best way to achieve the look you want without giving up on your dream of having larger, fuller breasts.

Some of the most common cosmetic issues for breast implants include:

  • Implants that are too large.
  • Poorly placed implants creating an unnatural breast shape.
  • Implants that appear “dimpled.”
  • Uneven breasts.
  • Switching from saline to silicone implants.

Regardless of the initial surgery, revision breast surgery can always be performed to ensure your breasts give you the shape you deserve.

How To Know If Your Implants Should Be Replaced:

Knowing when surgical removal of your implants is needed is crucial if you want your breast implant revision procedure to be successful. For example, your silicone implant needs to be replaced or removed if you experience:

  • Symptoms associated with BII.
  • Regular check ups show ruptured implants.
  • The breast appearance has become textured or uneven.
  • Larger implants have created cosmetic concerns.

How The Procedure Works:Breast Implant Replacement Recovery

For most patients, breast revision surgery is an outpatient procedure that will require general anesthesia. Most implant replacements last between 1 – 4 hours, depending on whether excess skin or breast tissue, like capsular contracture, also needs to be removed.

During the implant exchange surgical procedure, breast explant surgeons will follow the original incision lines, allowing them to remove the old implants while leaving the capsule in place.

From there, fresh implants will be inserted and the breast pocket will be stitched back up.

Questions and Answers:

What is a capsular contracture?

Women who develop capsular contracture often notice that the natural breast tissue becomes hard or uncomfortable around the implant site.

When this happens, revision surgery may be required to remove the old implant or implant material and prevent the risks associated with BII.

How much does a breast implant replacement cost?

While this depends on each unique case, the average cost of breast implant replacement ranges between $8,000 – $14,000.

What is the healing process for a breast implant replacement?

Since this procedure involves inserting a new implant into the breast area, you’ll need to follow recovery guidelines similar to the original procedure. The breast implant replacement recovery process often includes things like taking medications to reduce swelling, wearing a compression garment, and avoiding strenuous activity.

Why do old implants need to be placed?

Implants may become damaged with time, or the patient’s body may experience changes that require implants to be upgraded. Either way, revision surgery is a safe, effective way to ensure the results of your breast augmentation surgery last a lifetime.

Set Up Your Consultation

Undergoing implant replacement surgery is an important decision that can impact both your physical health and the longevity of your dream breasts.

Thankfully, Dr. Charles Galanis and his team have been helping women achieve the results they deserve since 2015, providing a full spectrum of breast implant replacement options for both medical and cosmetic reasons.

As a board certified plastic surgeon, Dr. Charles Galanis at Galanis Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA works with you to understand your needs and goals.

He’ll create an individual plan to address any concerns surrounding older implants. Most importantly, our state-of-the-art facility ensures that you receive the best care possible, regardless of your reason for needing new implants.

To learn more about your breast implant replacement options, breast augmentation, breast lift, or breast reduction, schedule a consultation today.


