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When is the Best Age For Facelift Procedures?

Are you sick and tired of anti-aging non surgical treatments that last no more than a few weeks or months? If so, a facelift procedure at Galanis Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills may be right for you.

Many cosmetic surgery experts and most patients discuss the visible moderate signs of the aging process. They contemplate when is the right time to seek long-lasting plastic surgery help in the form of a facelift surgery.  Deep wrinkles, deep lines, and sagging skin robs us of our youthful appearance and make us look older than we actually are.

Today we will discuss facelift surgery Beverly Hills and when is the best age for facelift procedures.

When Is The Best Age To Get a Facelift?

Determining the best age for a facelift is not cut and dry.  Common advice is to wait until you are in your 50s or 60s before having a traditional facelift prodedure. There’s nothing wrong with waiting that long to get a full facelift if your visible signs don’t worry you.

This customizable cosmetic procedure can be appropriate in a wide variety of cases. You may benefit from it if you are tired of seeking multiple anti-aging facial rejuvenation treatments per year to keep your skin looking tight and smooth.

Everyone ages differently, so sometimes younger patients in their 30s who are experiencing early signs of aging, either due to lifestyle choices or genetics, may be ready for a minimal improvement reshaping excess skin. Facelift procedures are also safe enough for people in their 70s or 80s with more substantial signs of sagging jowls or excess fat.

The bottom line is, there is no perfect age for a facelift, setting up a personal consultation to learn if a facelift surgery procedure would benefit you, could be a great decision based on the cosmetic concerns you are experiencing and your health.

Consider the Condition of Your Skin Quality

Consider your skin condition, instead of how old you are, if you think this procedure could benefit you. Everyone ages at a different rate, and your skin quality is as unique as your cosmetic concerns.

The rate at which your skin ages depends on hereditary factors, lifestyle choices, sun exposure, and your overall health. For example, if your parents developed skin that wrinkled and sagged in their late 20s or early 30s, you’ll probably experience these problems at a young age.

If you are displeased with changes to your appearance, a typical facelift can benefit you greatly, even if you’re showing only minor signs of aging in your 30s or 40s.  If your skin quality remains smooth enough for your satisfaction until you’re in your 50s or 60s, there is nothing wrong with waiting until a little later in age for a facelift or other surgical procedures.

What Benefits Can I Expect From This Procedure?

A full facelift procedure is highly customizable so it can address most, if not all, of the aging concerns you have. We will tailor your facelift surgery to account for the size of your facial muscles, the health of your skin, the shape of your bones, how much sagging skin you have, and other factors. Here’s a general look at the cosmetic surgery benefits you can expect from a traditional facelift or mini-lift.

Plastic Surgery Benefits You Can Expect From a Traditional Facelift

A traditional facelift surgery involves the detachment of the skin from the subcutaneous facial tissues. Once the skin has been lifted, the underlying muscles and other tissues will be repositioned to provide a stronger, more attractive foundational layer while reshaping excess skin. If you are concerned about excess skin or adipose tissue, that will be removed. Once your procedure is complete, your skin will look tight and smooth.

The Benefits You Can Expect From a Mini-Facelift

A mini-facelift is similar to a traditional lift in that it may involve the removal of excess fat tissue from the face. However, there are several important differences. For example, a mini-facelift is less invasive than a traditional facelift and uses a minimal incision which will drastically reduce downtime versus a full facelift.

A mini-facelift is designed to restore the appearance of youth in your midface and the bottom portion of your face. Again, since the incisions we make for this procedure are shorter than the incisions made for a traditional lift, you can get back to work after your procedure sooner.

If necessary, we will remove excess fat or muscle tissue to help you achieve the contours you desire. Then, we will tighten your skin, helping you look years younger and much healthier.

Deciding Which Plastic Surgery Procedure Is Right for You

The appropriate plastic surgery procedure for you depends on the quality of your skin, the cosmetic goals you are trying to achieve, and your personal preferences. For instance, a traditional lift will be more appropriate for you if you are concerned about sagging skin and deep wrinkles along your jaw.

If you are only concerned about minimal improvement to mild or moderate wrinkles around your jawline, a mini-lift may be more appropriate for you.  It is also possible that a chin lift or a neck lift is an appropriate plastic surgery option for you.best age to get a facelift

What Can I Expect During My Recovery Period?

Dr. Galanis has years of experience performing traditional facelifts and mini-lifts safely and effectively. Thus, you will feel completely comfortable once your facelift surgery is over.

You will need to take a week or two off from work and vigorous activities to give your body the time and energy it needs to recover from your lift. How long you need to take off from work depends on the scope of the lift performed and the nature of your occupation.

If you have a sedentary job and received a mini-lift, you should take roughly one week off from work. If you have a strenuous job and received a traditional facelift, you should take around two weeks off from work.

We will provide you with a comprehensive list of instructions so you know exactly how to care for your body during your recovery period. Some general guidelines apply to everyone who receives a lift and others will be tailored to your unique situation.

What To Expect During the First Week of Recovery

During the first 48 hours following your lift, you should apply cold compresses to your face.  During the first seven days following your procedure, you should wash your face gently with tepid water and a facial cleanser. You may wash your face with hot water eight days after your procedure.

What To Expect During the Second Week of Recovery

During the first two weeks following your plastic surgery procedure, you should keep your head elevated above your heart while you sleep. This can be accomplished by using one or two firm pillows, a wedge cushion, or a rolled-up bath towel.

If you are not used to sleeping on your back, or you toss and turn at night, consider sleeping in a recliner for the first two weeks of your recovery period. It is imperative that you do not sleep on your side or stomach during the first 14 days following your plastic surgery procedure. It is also important to avoid using hairspray or conditioner in your hair.

What To Expect During the Third and Fourth Weeks of Recovery

You may resume your routine physical activity, including bending over, lifting heavy objects, and participating in intense sports, three to four weeks after your plastic surgery procedure. However, it is important to listen to your body carefully and rest whenever you feel the need to rest.

How Long Will the Results of A FaceLift Last?

Both a full facelift and a mini lift provide facial rejuvenation results that last for several years. You must keep in mind that these facelift procedures do not stop the aging process. It only reverses the physical side effects temporarily.

You need to maintain a healthy lifestyle to enjoy the results of your lift for as long as possible. Eating nutritious foods that provide you with your recommended daily allowance of all the micronutrients your skin needs to stay healthy is important.

You should also drink enough hydrating fluids, like coffee, tea, and water, every day to remain hydrated. Furthermore, you should apply a high-quality sunblock whenever you go outside. Quitting smoking and keep your alcohol consumption to a minimum can also lessen severe signs of aging.

Tobacco products and alcohol will cause premature skin aging. For the most durable results, we recommend women drink no more than seven units of alcohol weekly. Men should drink no more than 14 units of alcohol weekly.

What Can I Expect During My Initial Consultation?

When you come in for your appointment with Dr. Charles Galanis, M.D., photographs of your face will be taken from several angles. This is a very important part of the process so you both can look at high-resolution images of your face.

You can point out all of your concerns and he can discuss all of the solutions he offers for each concern. He can also give you an understanding of your realistic expectations depending on the options you think are best.

What To Expect When Talking to Dr. Galanis

After Dr. Galanis has analyzed your face and discussed your aesthetic goals and preferences for treatment options, he will discuss your current overall health and medical history with you. Once all of this information has been gathered, he will tailor the surgical techniques of your facelift surgery to address all of your concerns to your satisfaction.

You are free to ask him any questions you have about the entire facelift surgery process, such as how to prepare, will there be a drastically reduced downtime versus other procedures, or what to expect during the recovery process.

If you have made decisions on which facelift procedure is right for you, you can also discuss facelift cost.  This is the time to talk to him about any concerns you have regarding your plastic surgery.

You Won’t Be Pressured Into Making a Decision Quickly

After your initial consultation is over, you may schedule your lift. However, you will not be pressured into making an immediate decision regarding whether you are ready for a lift. Rather, we invite you to take as much time as you need. We understand the decision to receive an anti-aging procedure is significant.

We are more than happy to send you home with educational materials about all of the options you have to restore youth to your face. You are free to take as much time as you need to review this literature and decide which route will benefit you the most. You may also be provided with simulated images of how your face will look after your procedure thanks to the photographs taken during your initial consultation.

Facelift FAQ’s

Is There A Difference Between a Neck Lift and a Facelift?

Facelift surgery targets skin laxity and sagging in the lower face, from cheeks to jawline. In contrast, neck lift surgery improves neck area and chin contours specifically, tailored to patient preferences without altering facial features.

How Long After My Facelift Will I Look Normal?

The full results of your facelift will unfold over about a year time. It usually takes this duration to complete the healing process and for the subtle transformations to become apparent, revealing the rejuvenated appearance achieved through your facelift.

What Is The Most Painful Day Following A Facelift?

Due to the anesthesia used during your facelift, expect to feel drowsy and groggy post-surgery. Arrange for a trusted friend or family member to accompany you home. Discomfort is common, particularly on the first day. Make sure that you have the pain medication recommended by your surgeon on hand to manage it effectively.


Discover Today if This Procedure Is Right for You

Regardless if you are showing severe signs or only minor signs of aging, you can erase your deepest wrinkles, tighten loose or drooping skin, and enjoy many other benefits when you opt for a facelift. With adequate skincare, these results may last many years.

You may benefit from these surgical techniques if you are in your 30s and yet it is safe enough to be received by people in their 80s. Contact us today at Galanis Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA to schedule a facelift consultation and discover if this procedure is right for you.


