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Arm Lift Recovery Tips for a Smooth Healing Process

You can expect your initial arm lift recovery period to last around two weeks. With that said, it will take longer for all swelling to disappear and for you to return to all of your normal activities, including exercise. Most patients can slowly reincorporate exercise after around one month or more.

You will need to allow your arms and upper body to remain mostly immobile during this time. Your range of motion will be extremely limited during the initial recovery period, and weight restrictions will be put in place so that you do not strain your incisions and potentially compromise your results.

Top Tips for a Smooth Arm Lift Recovery Time

Your recovery time for arm lift surgery will go much smoother and be far easier if you plan ahead using the following tips:

1. Arrange Help for Daily Tasks

Before surgery, recruit friends or family members for assistance with daily tasks like dressing, cooking, and cleaning.

Remember that your arm mobility will be drastically limited and you will be wearing a compression garment on each side during recovery, so whatever you are used to doing for yourself — from cleaning up the house to making dinner and doing the laundry — will need to be outsourced to someone else.

2. Set Up a Comfortable Recovery Area

Create a recovery space in your home with easy access to essentials like water, healthy snacks, medications, and entertainment. Ultimately, you want to reduce the need to reach or stretch.

arm lift recovery time

3. Purchase Front-Closure Clothing

Having loose, button-up or zip-up shirts on hand is wise during recovery since lifting your arms to put on tops will be uncomfortable and difficult. It can potentially even cause problems for your incisions.

4. Prepare Meals in Advance

Cook and freeze meals for a healthy and balanced diet ahead of time. This will help you avoid the need for food preparation when your arms are sore and healing.

Many patients make the mistake of skipping this step, then, upon realizing that they can’t cook, they end up relying on ordering out and eating easy-grab but high-calorie and unhealthy foods while they heal. Sometimes, this is okay, but you want to focus on a healthy diet during your recovery.

5. Stock Up on Supplies

Before your surgery, make sure you have all post-op supplies, such as bandages, ice packs, and prescribed medications, ready to avoid unnecessary trips to the store.

6. Plan for Childcare and Pet Care if Needed

If you have young children or pets at home, be sure you arrange for childcare and pet care. Lifting and carrying kids and pets will not be possible during recovery.

7. Arrange Transportation

Since driving will not be possible for a while, be sure to organize transportation to follow-up appointments and for any necessary errands.

8. Adjust Your Sleep Setup

Prepare to sleep with your arms elevated to minimize swelling, and consider using extra pillows or a recliner for support. Some patients purchase wedge pillows to place on either side of them during sleep. This can help with elevation and limit rolling during sleep.

9. Avoid Heavy Lifting

Plan to avoid lifting anything heavy for several weeks post-surgery, including grocery bags, laundry, and kids and pets. This can be tough to get used to, so it may be a good idea to put reminder Post-it notes around your house!

FAQ: Arm Lift Surgery Recovery

recovery time for arm lift

Will I have noticeable scars after arm lift surgery?

Unfortunately, arm lift scars are typically somewhat noticeable after surgery. There is no way to remove the excess skin along the entirety of the upper arm without making an incision on each arm, which will extend from roughly the elbow to the armpit.

This incision, although it will be closed carefully and will ideally heal well, will always be somewhat visible. The good news is, it is made on the inner arm, so it’s really only noticeable when your arms are lifted. Furthermore, limiting sun exposure (especially right after your upper arm lift surgery), using silicone scar sheets, and following your other plastic surgery recovery guidelines will help to reduce your scar appearance. Time, also, will help arm lift scars fade and flatten out.

Is arm lift surgery painful?

Your upper arms will feel sore after surgery, yes. This is normal, and your plastic surgeon will prescribe pain medication to help with your discomfort. Make sure you take all of your post-operative pain medication as directed.

After nearly all types of plastic surgery procedure surgeries, surgeons prescribe antibiotics (in addition to pain medication) to ensure no infections occur. Taking these medications correctly is paramount to your health and the success of your surgery.

Call to Request a Consultation Appointment

Removing the excess skin and fat from your upper arms can be a great boon to your self-esteem and self-image. Although the arm surgery recovery process can be somewhat of a challenge at times, most patients say it is well worth it. Cosmetic surgery can create amazing transformations and change lives.

To find out more about recovery from arm lift surgery and whether you qualify for this procedure, please contact our office today and request a consultation appointment with board-certified plastic surgeon Dr. Charles Galanis.


  1. https://www.plasticsurgery.org/cosmetic-procedures/arm-lift/recovery