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Vaser High Def Liposuction: The Newest Technology

When it comes to body contouring, the traditional liposuction procedure has long been a popular option for removing unwanted body fat deposits. However, newer techniques such as hi-def lipo offer even more precise body sculpting results.

Vaser liposuction is particularly well-suited for body contouring specific treatment areas, such as the arms, stomach, or thighs. It can also provide sculpting and definition to muscles along with the patient’s desired contours creating a more athletic appearance.

At Galanis Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills, CA, we use advanced techniques of ultrasound technology to target specific areas and achieve natural-looking results. Vaser liposuction or high definition liposuction can also improve the appearance of cellulite by removing excess fat and tightening the skin.

Unlike old fashion liposuction, vaser hi-def liposuction is minimally invasive and typically requires only local anesthesia. There is minimal downtime, allowing patients to quickly return to their normal activities.

What Is Liposuction?

Traditional lipo is a type of plastic surgery where plastic surgeons remove excess fat cells from the body. The procedure is typically performed on the abdomen, thighs, hips, and buttocks, but can be performed on almost any area of the body.

Traditional liposuction techniques are usually performed under general anesthesia, which means that the patient is asleep during the liposuction procedure.

What Is Hi-Def Lipo and How Does It Work?

Vaser hi def, also known as vaser hi def liposuction or high definition liposuction, is a surgical procedure using ultrasound assisted liposuction in which excess fat cells, usually around the abdominal area, are removed through suction.

It differs from regular liposuction in that it offers a more precise and targeted approach, allowing for greater control over the sculpting of specific muscles. Many people turn to vaser liposuction to enhance their overall body contour and achieve a more toned and defined appearance.

One of the benefits of high definition liposuction, also known as 4D lipo, is that it isn’t simply a fat removal procedure.

This treatment takes a four-dimensional approach to sculpting the body by targeting and liquefying fat cells with ultra sound energy, suctioning them out, and tightening the skin for improved muscle definition.

The use of this technology allows for a more gentle and precise fat removal process compared to traditional methods.

In addition to reducing excess fatty tissue in a treatment area, a vaser procedure can improve tone and natural definition for a more sculpted contour appearance overall.

It is an innovative solution for those looking to enhance their body shape without surgery.

What Are the Benefits of Hi-Def Lipo?

High-definition liposuction, also known as vaser hi def lipo, offers a variety of benefits for those looking to improve their appearance with high definition body contouring.  Here are a few ways that vaser lipo has benefitted countless patients to achieve their desired results:

  • A new and improved way for most patients to remove fat cells from the body
  • Uses a laser to target and destroy adipose tissue, which is then removed from the body through natural processes
  • Minimally invasive with small incisions versus regular liposuction and has a shorter recovery time for proper healing
  • Can be used to target specific areas of the body, such as the stomach, thighs, or arms
  • A safe and effective way to remove unwanted fat cells from the body
  • Can help you achieve your desired body shape and improve your overall appearance

Tummy Tucks Vs. Hi-Def Liposuction vs. Traditional Liposuction

When it comes to body contouring procedures, there are a variety of options available to you. Three of those popular options are tummy tucks, traditional liposuction, and vaser liposuction. Each of these procedures can provide a slimmer, more toned appearance for the abdominal area.

However, there are some key differences between the three procedures that may make one better suited for individual patients. A tummy tuck involves removing excess skin and tightening the remaining skin for a flat stomach.

It is often recommended for patients who have loose or sagging skin after significant weight loss or pregnancy.  Traditional liposuction, on the other hand, focuses solely on removing excess fat from specific areas of the body through suction.

Finally, vaser hi def liposculpture uses targeted fat removal to shape and give more definition to abdominal muscles. This procedure is typically best suited for patients who have small pockets of stubborn fat and already have tight skin in their abdominal area.

How Many Sessions Are Required for Optimal Results?

While the exact number of sessions required for optimal results varies from person to person, many patients see significant improvement after just one or two sessions.

However, depending on the size of the treatment area and the individual’s goals, three to five sessions may be necessary for optimal results.

Additionally, maintaining a healthy diet and regular exercise routine after vaser lipo can help to further enhance and maintain your results.

Overall, vaser technology is a safe and effective option for those looking to achieve their desired body contours without reconstructive surgery or downtime.

vaser liposuction high defWho Is a Good Candidate for a Hi-Def Lipo Treatment?

An ideal candidate for a vaser hi def procedure is someone who has localized pockets of excess fat and excellent skin elasticity.

This procedure can sculpt and contour the body, creating a more chiseled appearance in areas such as the abdomen, flanks, arms, back, and thighs.

It is not meant for large scale weight loss or overall body fat reduction. Candidates should also be at a stable weight with no plans for significant weight change in the future.

Overall, a healthy lifestyle and a realistic expectation of results are important factors as well. Vaser Hi-def liposuction can provide excellent results for the right individual, but it is important to consult with a doctor to determine if this procedure is appropriate for you.

Questions and Answers

Is tumescent fluid used during a vaser hd liposuction?

Tumescent fluid plays a vital part with vaser technology. Following its injection, ultrasound waves generated by the vaser device induce the formation of bubbles.

These bubbles assist in disrupting the fat cells within the treatment area, effectively separating them from the connective tissues.  The fluid also assists to numb the area and reduced the size of blood vessels minimalising excessive bleeding.

What should I expect post op my vaser hi def body sculpting procedure?

After vaser hd liposuction expect to have some minimal drainage and specific instructions from your surgeon to care for yourself to avoid the risk of infection.

You will need to drink plenty of water to stay hydrated while eating a nutritious diet.  Also, you will need to wear a compression garment to help reduce swelling and retain the shape your surgeon was able to accomplish during your vaser hi def liposculpture.

When will I be able to return to strenuous activity?

Everyone is ready to get back to their normal routines following surgery of any type.  It is always best to follow closely what your surgeon recommends for your personal route to a quicker recovery.

It is very important to adhere to this advice as to not jeopardize your optimal final results.  Usually you will need to start slowly and only take short walks.  The path to returning to strenuous activities is not long, usually about a month to 6 weeks in duration.

Book Your Initial Consultation

At Galanis Plastic Surgery, we offer high definition liposuction to help enhance the definition and contours of your body. This innovative procedure uses advanced techniques to remove excess fat and sculpt specific areas, such as the arms, abs, and thighs.

In addition to creating an overall more toned appearance, vaser hd liposuction can also be used to enhance muscle definition in targeted areas. We are committed to providing exceptional care to patients from all over the Los Angeles area.

If you are interested in learning more about high definition lipo and how it could benefit you, please contact us for a private consultation.


