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Types of Facelift to Reduce Wrinkles and Sagging Skin

As you get older, your skin texture changes. You may start to develop wrinkles and fine lines. Your skin can start to sag and look dull, which gives you a little nudge to start looking into facial rejuvenation procedures.  One way you can restore a more youthful appearance is by undergoing a facelift surgery.

Facelifts tighten and firm your facial skin to make you look younger.  Here is some great information that you need to know about getting a facelift and the types of facelift procedures you could undergo.

What Is Facelift Surgery?

Facelifts take the slack out of your excess skin to tighten it over your face. During a facial cosmetic surgery, we make small incisions around the edge of your face. We then pull the excess skin tight and adjust or remove extra tissue that is weighing your face down. This gives your facial skin a more elastic texture.

There are different types of facelifts. Some patients need more intense anti-aging action from their facelifts. Others may only need slight adjustments to their skin. We can address mild to severe facial aging with our various types of facelifts.

Here’s are some of the various procedures that we can perform with a short description of what to expect.

Traditional Facelift

A traditional facelift restructures your skin and facial muscles. During this procedure, we lift and firm your facial tissues to give you a younger appearance. We take away any unnecessary remaining skin and fat to tighten your face.

Your face will look more structured and chiseled after a traditional facelift. This procedure treats more severe signs of aging in patients who need maximum lifting action.

Deep Plane Facelift

Deep plane facelift procedures involve a surgical procedure that targets deeper layers of facial tissue, providing comprehensive rejuvenation. Unlike traditional facelifts, deep plane lifts involve lifting and repositioning underlying muscles and fat pads, addressing midface and jowl sagging effectively.

By accessing these deep facial tissues, it delivers long-lasting and natural-looking results. Incisions are typically made around the hairline or ears, allowing for significant improvement in facial structure or contours. Recovery may be longer than with other facelift techniques due to the procedure’s depth and complexity.

Mini Facelift

A mini facelift procedure works best for patients who are starting to notice mild to moderate signs of aging. If your skin has just started to sag and wrinkle, a mini facelift is best for you. Mini facelifts are less invasive and remove less tissue than traditional facelifts.

During a mini lift, we address the middle and lower parts of your face. These areas tend to show your age first. We remove excess fat and skin to tighten your appearance. There is a shorter recovery period for mini facelifts.

Types of Facelift ProceduresMid Facelift

A mid facelift, also known as a cheek lift, targets the area between the lower eyelids and the mouth, addressing sagging cheeks and deep nasolabial folds. This procedure lifts and repositions the deeper underlying tissue of the midface, restoring youthful fullness and contour.

A mid facelift involves smaller incisions compared to traditional facelifts, resulting in shorter recovery times. By focusing on the midface specifically, it provides a refreshed appearance with fewer visible signs of aging, enhancing overall facial harmony.

Brow Lift

A brow lift, also known as a forehead lift, is a surgical procedure, different from an eyelid lift, aimed at reducing wrinkles and raising sagging brows. It involves lifting and tightening the skin and muscles of the forehead and brow area, often through small incisions hidden within the hairline. This procedure can help diminish forehead lines and restore a more alert expression.

Neck Lift

A neck lift is a surgical procedure aimed at neck and jaw line rejuvenation. It targets sagging skin, excess fat, and muscle laxity in the neck area, resulting in a smoother and more youthful contour.

The neck lift procedure involves making incisions under the chin and/or behind the ears to access and tighten underlying tissues. By removing excess skin and fat, it rejuvenates the neck’s appearance, providing a more defined and aesthetically pleasing profile.

Short Scar Facelift

This style of facelift, also known as an S-lift, is a minimally invasive surgical procedure designed to lift and rejuvenate the lower face and neck.

It involves a “s” shaped incision which are smaller compared to traditional facelifts, typically around the ears, resulting in less scarring and quicker recovery times. This technique focuses on addressing mild to moderate sagging and improving facial contours.

Liquid Facelift

A liquid facelift is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that uses dermal fillers or injectable fillers, such as hyaluronic acid or collagen stimulators, to restore volume and reduce wrinkles in the face.

By strategically injecting these fillers into specific areas, such as the cheeks, temples, and jawline, a liquid facelift can provide a more youthful and refreshed appearance.

This procedure offers minimal downtime and can effectively address signs of premature aging, including fine lines, wrinkles, and hollow areas, with immediate results.

Youthful Results

After your facelift cosmetic surgery, you can expect to look younger. Skin elasticity goes away with age as your skin produces less collagen and elastin. Without enough of these skin fibers, your skin matrix becomes loose and saggy.

After a facelift, your skin looks firm against your bone structure, taking years off of your appearance.  Facelifts can address the following aesthetic concerns:

  • Wrinkles
  • Expression lines
  • Sagging skin
  • Hollow appearance
  • Distorted jawline (“jowls”)
  • Deep facial creases
  • Aged complexion

These concerns are common for many people who are middle-aged and older even with minimal skin laxity. However, you don’t have to settle for aged skin. Getting a facelift can rejuvenate your face to help you look youthful, bright, and excited for life again.

Facelift results last for around ten years. Depending on how you care for your skin after surgery, you could enjoy these benefits for a longer period of time. Aging is natural and normal, but facelifts help reverse the signs of it on your face.

different types of faceliftFacelift Surgery Recovery

After your surgical facelift, you will need a few weeks to recover. Plan to take one week off of work to rest and heal. You should avoid working out and other intense physical activity until three to four weeks after surgery.

We give you detailed instructions on caring for your skin after facelift procedures. There are a few general notes to keep in mind while recovering.

You will need transportation after your cosmetic surgery. This procedure requires general anesthesia, so you will not be able to drive home. Arrange for a ride to and from your surgery.

You should also plan for alternative childcare and housekeeping arrangements. It is important to focus on resting and recovering in the days following your surgical full facelift. If you are able to, ask for help from a family member or friend.

Once your skin heals completely, you will see your youthful-looking results. Most patients see full results within three weeks of the procedure. You can enjoy these benefits for years to come.

Who Should Get a Facelift?

A facial plastic surgeon will consider you are a good candidate for all types of facelifts if you are experiencing mild to severe signs of aging on your face. Many facelift candidates have tried injectable treatments like fillers, Botox, and the like. If minimally invasive non surgical facelift methods haven’t worked for you, it might be time to consider a full facelift.

You should be in good general health before undergoing any type of cosmetic surgery. Being a nonsmoker, eating a healthy diet, and getting plenty of exercise are important factors in your health. Try to follow these healthy habits to prepare for your facelift surgery.

It is important that you have realistic expectations. Facelift procedures will enhance your youthful facial features and tighten your skin. However, we cannot completely prevent all aging signs. We may recommend other treatments to complement your facelift, such as injectables.

If you struggle with severe wrinkles, sagging skin, and loss of skin volume, this procedure is for you. Your skin doesn’t have to look hollow and dull anymore. With a facelift procedure, you can experience lifted, firm skin again.

Facelift Questions and Answers

What is the most common complication of a facelift?

The most frequent complication of a facelift is a hematoma, a gathering of blood under the skin, leading to swelling and pressure. Typically appearing within 24 hours post-surgery, swift surgical intervention is crucial to prevent harm to the skin and surrounding tissues.

What is the most common age for a facelift?

Patient typically opt for facelifts in their 50s or 60s. While Dr. Galanis occasionally sees patients in their 30s or 40s for mini facelifts, deep plane facelifts are often reserved for those over 50 due to the progression of aging changes.

How Will Facelift Results Look Over the Long Term?

Facelift results remain long-lasting, maintaining a rejuvenated appearance for many years, although the aging process continues naturally over time.


Book a Facelift at Galanis Plastic Surgery

If you are near the Beverly Hills, CA, area and want to reverse signs of facial aging, come to Galanis Plastic Surgery in Beverly Hills. We perform skilled cosmetic procedures to improve each patient’s quality of life. No matter your age, we want you to be happy with the way you look.

We welcome new patients who are considering a facelift. During your initial consultation, we will answer any questions you have about the procedure. Call our office or fill out a consultation request form online. We look forward to helping you rejuvenate your face!


